The following is a list of Manitoba towns that had or still have grain elevators, starting with the letters A and B.
- Agassiz
- Alcester
- Alexander
- Amaranth
- Atlamont
- Angusville
- Arborg
- Arden
- Argue
- Arnaud
- Arrow River
- Ashville
- Austin
- Baldur
- Balmoral
- Bannerman
- Barnsley
- Basswood
- Beausejour
- Bellsite
- Belmont
- Benard Siding
- Benito
- Bergen
- Bergman
- Beulah
- Binscarth
- Birch River
- Birdtail
- Birtle
- Bloom
- Blumenfeld
- Boissevain
- Bowsman
- Bradburn
- Bradwardine
- Brandon
- Brookdale
- Brunkild
- Bryd
- Bunclody
- Burnside
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