The Somerset grain elevator is a combination of two grain elevators. The shorter elevator was at Somerset already, but the taller elevator was originally at La Riviere, Manitoba.
The La Riviere elevator was moved the 20 miles between La Riviere and Somerset in November 2004 by Minty’s Moving. The elevator, annex, bins and office were moved separately (see photo from Minty’s Moving). The 160′ tall, 280 tonne grain elevator was moved in one piece. The entire process took eight days.
Somerset used to be served by CN, and then the Southern Manitoba Railway. However the rail was lifted in 2007 and since then the grain has had to be trucked. Delmar advertises that they can load sea containers and intermodals for shipping flexibility. The complex has a capacity of 9,320 tonnes. Prior to the addition of the La Riviere grain elevator and annex, the Somerset elevator had a capacity of 3,120 tonnes in 2004.

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