The Sperling grain elevator was a former Manitoba Pool elevator, built in 1926 and until recently operated by Delmar Commodities. It was last used in the fall of 2013. The elevator was on the CEMR Carman subdivision between Carman and Winnipeg, Manitoba.
According to the Sperling town web site and a UGG history document, the elevators that operated in Sperling were:
- Dominion, 1901
- Canadian Elevator Company
- Ogilvie
- Manitoba Pool, 1926
- Canadian Consolidated – purchased by UGG in 1959, burned 1995

The ex Pool grain elevator appears to have been owned by N.M. Paterson for a period of time before transitioning to Delmar Commodities.
The grain elevator in Sperling was demolished in late March 2015 (news article).
The town of Sperling has never exceeded 200 people, and today it is primarily a residential town, with a few industries such as Sperling Industries and an auto body shop.

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