The St. Jean Baptiste grain elevator was a former Manitoba Pool grain elevator. The town of St. Jean Baptiste is off highway 75, south of Winnipeg and between Morris and Emerson.
Unfortunately the elevator burned early in the morning of October 14, 2023 and was a complete loss.

The annex had the traditional Manitoba Pool co-operative text on it, except that it was in French. “Association Co-Operative D’Elevateur St. Jean Baptiste / Succursale No. 213 / Service au Prix Outant” [Service at Cost]
There was a Paterson grain elevator in St. Jean Baptiste, lettered as “St. Jean”. It became the Manitoba Pool “B” grain elevator.

The town of St. Jean Baptiste is part of the regional municipality of Montcalm. There is a lovely Catholic church in the town, made of Tyndall stone.
The St. Jean Baptiste grain elevator was served by CN via the CN Letellier subdivision. It did occasionally have cars spotted at the elevator, and was being used at the time of its destruction.
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