The town of Aberdeen, SK has an ex Saskatchewan Wheat Pool grain elevator in the town. This elevator was built in 1954 and renovated in 1989, and still bears the Pool logo.
There is a grain facility just east of town that incorporates an ex UGG grain elevator annex.
There was a Cargill grain elevator in Aberdeen. This elevator was built in 1981, closed in 2008 and demolished in 2010.
Historical Photographs of Aberdeen

The hamlet of Aberdeen began in 1904, and the railway arrived in 1905. It became a village in 1907, and after a period of ups and downs, it became a town in 1988.
The aerial photograph above shows six grain elevators in Aberdeen in the 1950s. The elevator across from the train station is a Saskatchewan Wheat Pool elevator. Next in the row are two National elevators, followed by a Pioneer Grain Co. Ltd. elevator. The farthest elevator appears to be another Pool elevator. There is a UGG elevator on its own spur behind the main elevator row.
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