
Dugald, MB grain elevator. April 2011.
Dugald, MB grain elevator. April 2011.

There’s over 100 pages on this site now… it’s growing! Some of those pages are “index” pages like “Alberta Grain Elevators P-S” but most are actually grain elevators.

It’s been interesting for me to see how many grain elevators I’ve actually photographed to date. Beyond Manitoba I thought Saskatchewan would be the second most photographed province for me, but it’s actually Alberta. I think it’s because I have traveled to Lethbridge several times for work and photographed all the elevators in the area, like Skiff and Fort MacLeod.

At this point I have all of my non-Manitoba photos on the site and I’m working on moving all the elevators from Manitoba Grain Elevators over to this site. I will retire MGE once all the pages have been redirected here.

I need your input! Please contact me at if you want to share your own Canadian grain elevator photos. Thanks in advance!

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