The tiny community of Barnsley, Manitoba sits between Carman and Elm Creek. At one time, Barnsley was served by the Canadian Pacific Railway via its Carman subdivision (Barnsley was mile 6.0). The rail was taken up but the Barnsley grain elevators remained.
There is one elevator present today.

Manitoba Pool
The Manitoba Pool grain elevator #88 was torn down in August 2024. This elevator was not sheathed with tin like many other Pool elevators were, as both elevators in Barnsley were surplus to the Pool by the early 1970s. They were sold to a private farmer, who resold them to another local farmer.

United Grain Growers
The last remaining elevator is the United Grain Growers (UGG) elevator. It was built by the Manitoba government in 1916 and leased to the Grain Growers’ Grain Company / UGG until 1926 when UGG purchased it. The Manitoba Pool took it over in March 1960 and labeled it as “Pool B”.
The elevators were used until approximately 2000.
There is a photo of the Barnsley Pool B elevator in Greg McDonnell’s book Wheat Kings: Vanishing Landmarks of the Canadian Prairies.
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