Welcome, Gary Rich!

New contributor Gary Rich has started to send some photos in for publication here on Grain Elevators of Canada. Please enjoy his photos of Tompkins and Lake Valley, Saskatchewan to start!

Welcome, Gary!

Lake Valley, SK grain elevator, Jan 2007. Copyright by Gary Rich.
Lake Valley, SK grain elevator, Jan 2007. Copyright by Gary Rich.
Grain elevator in Tompkins, SK, Jan 2007. Copyright by Gary Rich.
Grain elevator in Tompkins, SK, Jan 2007. Copyright by Gary Rich.

Welcome, Mark Zulkoskey!

Guy Farms grain elevator in Kenaston, SK. Contributed by Mark Zulkoskey.
Guy Farms grain elevator in Kenaston, SK. Contributed by Mark Zulkoskey.

Mark Zulkoskey has been photographing grain elevators in Saskatchewan for 10 years, and has photographed all but nine of them.

Thank you, Mark, for contributing some of your work to this site!

You can see some of them as links from his contributor page.


Welcome, Eric May!

Young, SK grain elevator, 1972. Contributed by Eric May.
Young, SK grain elevator, 1972. Contributed by Eric May.

Welcome to Eric May, another contributor to Grain Elevators of Canada. Eric has contributed some photos taken in 1972 during a cross-country trip on the CN Super Continental passenger train. These photos provide a nice “time capsule” look at some elevators that either have changed significantly or disappeared entirely.

Some examples :

See all contributors

Welcome, Jenn Tanaka!

Lousana, AB grain elevator. Contributed by Jenn Tanaka.
Lousana, AB grain elevator. Contributed by Jenn Tanaka.

I’d like to welcome new contributor Jenn Tanaka!

Jenn drives all over Alberta looking for abandoned places, and writes about them on her excellent blog, West of the 5th.

For a few examples of Jenn’s photos, see Lousana or Rowley.

Thanks, Jenn!