
The grain elevator at Fredensthal West, near Emerson, Manitoba, April 2019

The Fredensthal West grain elevator is just northeast of the town of Emerson. It stands essentially alone, outside the town, and does not have a siding any more on the CP Emerson subdivision.

It was an Agricore elevator, which presumably went to Viterra but it is not listed on their list of Manitoba elevators. The elevator and annex have a combined capacity of 4,720 tonnes.

The elevator was refurbished in 1992 after undergoing more than $400,000 of improvements, including the addition of three 575 tonne bins for additional storage, and a new fertilizer blender. It was officially reopened on June 18, 1992 and the ribbon was cut by Wilfred (Butch) Harder, MPE District 2 director. (source: newspaper caption)

Fredensthal West grain elevator, May 2014

The first grain elevator in Fredensthal was built by the Lake of the Woods in 1902. Its first agent was Bill Langenase.

Fredensthal West grain elevator, May 2014

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