
Melita, the Banana Belt!?

The town of Melita, Manitoba has two grain elevators – and a giant banana.

The former Manitoba Pool and former UGG grain elevators still stand along the main street of the town. They have railway tracks beside them but it does not appear that they use rail service any more. The town is served by the CP Estevan subdivision.

Former UGG grain elevator in Melita, Manitoba

The banana is a marketing idea – it is intended to promote Melita’s location in the comparatively warm southwestern area of the province.

The ex Manitoba Pool grain elevator in Melita
Wooden white grain elevator
Manitoba Pool grain elevator in Melita, March 1995. Copyright by Donald Hamilton.
UGG grain elevator in Melita, MB, March 1995.
UGG grain elevator in Melita, MB, March 1995. Copyright by Donald Hamilton.

At one time, Melita boasted several grain elevators and a small CPR train station.

Former Melita grain elevators. Northern elevator in foreground
C.P.R. train station, Melita, Manitoba.

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