
Manitoba Pool grain elevator at Moline, November 1984.
Manitoba Pool grain elevator at Moline, Nov 1984. Credit: Photographer: LA Stuckey, Lawrence Stuckey fonds (1-2002.3.3.CNR[212]), SJ McKee Archives, Brandon University

There were two grain elevators in remote Moline, Manitoba. One was a Pool elevator, likely built around 1927 or 1928. The second was a former UGG elevator built in 1913, and later traded to the Pool. (source) The local Pool Cooperative Association was #127.

Two grain elevators in Moline, MB, November 1984.
Two grain elevators in Moline, MB, Nov 1984. Credit: Photographer: LA Stuckey, Lawrence Stuckey fonds (1-2002.3.9.86), SJ McKee Archives, Brandon University

Moline was on the CN Rapid City subdivision.

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