
Two grain elevators in Newdale, MB, March 2022.
Grain elevators in Newdale, MB, March 2022. Contributed by Steve Boyko.

There are two grain elevators in Newdale, Manitoba. One is an ex UGG grain elevator and the other is a former Cargill elevator.

Grain elevators in Newdale, Manitoba, Nov 2014. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
Grain elevators in Newdale, Manitoba, Nov 2014. Contributed by Steve Boyko.

Ex Cargill

Former Manitoba Pool grain elevator in Newdale, Manitoba, Nov 2014. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
Former Cargill grain elevator in Newdale, Manitoba, Nov 2014. Contributed by Steve Boyko.

The first grain elevator is owned by Delmar Commodities. This elevator has a capacity of 2,750 tonnes. It was originally built by Cargill in 1981 or 1982, and was later sold to the Manitoba Pool, then to a local farmer before being sold to Delmar.

Cargill grain elevator in Newdale Manitoba
Cargill grain elevator in Newdale, MB, Oct 1994. Copyright by Donald Hamilton.

Manitoba Pool

There was a Manitoba Pool elevator further west in Newdale, with a central elevator, a crib annex, and a former Lake of the Woods grain elevator as an annex, as seen below.

Newdale Pool "C" grain elevator, 1990
Newdale Pool “C” grain elevator, 1990. Copyright by Donald Hamilton.

The fertilizer shed at the Pool elevator was destroyed in a November 2002 train derailment. The elevator survived but was demolished in the mid-2000s.


Former UGG grain elevator in Newdale, Manitoba, Nov 2014. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
Former UGG grain elevator in Newdale, Manitoba, Nov 2014. Contributed by Steve Boyko.

Note that it is a larger elevator with a small elevator beside it, which was used as an annex. The smaller elevator was built in 1925 and is no longer used due to water infiltration. The larger elevator was built in 1983 with a capacity of approximately 34,000 bushels, and includes an integrated 52,000 bushel annex. The two steel bins have a capacity of 17,000 and 40,000 bushels.

UGG grain elevator in Newdale, Manitoba
UGG grain elevator in Newdale, MB, Oct 1994. Copyright by Donald Hamilton.
UGG grain elevator in Newdale, Manitoba.
UGG grain elevator in Newdale, MB, July 1990. Copyright by Donald Hamilton.

This elevator has a capacity of 4,700 tonnes. It is not clear whether this elevator is used or not.

Statue and grain elevators in Newdale, Manitoba, Apr 2017. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
Statue and grain elevators in Newdale, Manitoba, Apr 2017. Contributed by Steve Boyko.

Thanks to Andrew Dalgarno for many details on these elevators.

Historic Photos of Newdale

Grain elevators in Newdale, MB, February 1979. Photographer: LA Stuckey, Lawrence Stuckey fonds (1-2002.3.3.BNW[275.2]), SJ McKee Archives, Brandon University

The 1979 photo above by Lawrence Stuckey shows four grain elevators in Newdale – an older UGG elevator, a more recent one, then two elevators in the distance including a Manitoba Pool elevator.

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