
Ex Cargill grain elevator in Solsgirth, MB, Apr 2016. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
Ex Cargill grain elevator in Solsgirth, MB, Apr 2016. Contributed by Steve Boyko.

The Solsgirth grain elevator is an ex Manitoba Pool, ex Cargill elevator located in the ghost town of Solsgirth, Manitoba.

Manitoba Pool Elevator and Cargill elevator, Solsgirth, July 1992. Contributed by Donald Hamilton.
Manitoba Pool Elevator and Cargill elevator, Solsgirth, July 1992. Contributed by Donald Hamilton.
Aerial view of the Solsgirth, MB grain elevator, Aug 2019. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
Aerial view of the Solsgirth, MB grain elevator, Aug 2019. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
Grain elevator and stranded grain car in Solsgirth, MB, Apr 2016. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
Grain elevator and stranded grain car in Solsgirth, MB, Apr 2016. Contributed by Steve Boyko.

The original Manitoba Pool grain elevator (the “B” elevator) was built in 1928 and renovated in 1985 to a capacity of 5,280 tonnes. Steel bins were added in February 1991. It was still present in 2000 but is no longer there.

Manitoba Pool Elevators Local No 145, Solsgirth, date unknown. Donald Hamilton collection.
Manitoba Pool Elevators Local No 145, Solsgirth, date unknown. Donald Hamilton collection.

The current elevator is the former “A” elevator with a capacity of 3,350 tonnes.

Westeel Bins being added by Litz Crane, Solsgirth, MB Feb 1991. Contributed by Donald Hamilton.
Westeel Bins being added by Litz Crane, Solsgirth, MB Feb 1991. Contributed by Donald Hamilton.

At one time there was a UGG grain elevator in Solsgirth as well. It may have been the former National Grain elevator – see photo below of a derailment at the elevator in 1970.

Derailed boxcars at grain elevator
Derailed boxcars at the National Grain elevator, Solsgirth, MB, 1970.

Solsgirth is on the CP Bredenbury subdivision and has a railway siding.

Solsgirth has a pair of old churches, the Ukrainian Church of the Holy Spirit and the St. Stephen Anglican Church.

The St. Stephen Anglican Church in Solsgirth, MB, Apr 2016. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
The St. Stephen Anglican Church in Solsgirth, MB, Apr 2016. Contributed by Steve Boyko.
Solsgirth Manitoba Pool elevator, June 1991. Contributed by Donald Hamilton.
Solsgirth Manitoba Pool elevator, June 1991. Contributed by Donald Hamilton.

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